May 1864
Village Constable and Tax Collector – Simon F. Miller

June 1874
Village Constable – Frank S. Carpenter

March 12, 1878
William E. Shirley was hired as Constable

February 19, 1884
Protective Police was organized – appointed Special Police in March 1886

June 1917
Dell Carson was appointed as Police Officer. He was reappointed in March 1919.

April 1920
William Fitzgerald succeeded Dell Carson as Police Officer for the Village.

George Vernum was appointed as Police Officer. He was later appointed to Chief of Police and served until approximately 1960.

Chief of Police George Vernum retired and was replaced as Chief by Tom Davis. Other officers employed at the Homer Police Department included Ed Vernum, Officer Hill and Officer Dehart.

Sgt. David Sampson took over the Homer Police Department and was later promoted to Chief of Police.

Daniel D. Mack is appointed Chief of Police, replacing Chief Sampson. Chief Mack was first employed at the Police Department in July 1986 as a patrolman, and was promoted to Sergeant in 1992.

Captain Mark Helms from the Cortland County Sheriff’s Office was appointed Chief of Police, replacing Chief Mack, who retired.

Chief Helms was elected as Cortland County Sheriff and Robert Pitman was appointed as Chief.