NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer will hold an All-Boards Public Hearing at Town Hall in Homer located at 31 North Main Street on January 31, 2023, at 5:30 P.M., to consider the following pursuant to the current Village of Homer Code of Ordinances:

A LOCAL LAW regulating the use and permitting of a LED and illuminated signs within the VILLAGE of HOMER in CORTLAND COUNTY, NEW YORK


Pursuant to NYS Legislature’s approval of Bill S50001, amending the Open Meetings Law 1, all Village Board meetings will be by zoom and in-person attendance. Individuals may speak at the public hearing or in the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link by contacting Dan Egnor at the Village Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the public hearing at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference portion. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said Village of Homer Board of Trustees meeting.


Dan Egnor

Village Clerk