Village of Homer Planning Board Meeting November 17, 2021



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer Planning Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting via remote conferencing/in-person on November th, at 6:30 p.m.


Pursuant to NYS Legislature’s approval of Bill S50001, amending the Open Meetings Law 1, the residents may request a zoom link by contacting Tanya DiGennaro at the Village of Homer Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the public hearing at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail all your communication needs before said  Village of Homer Planning Board Agenda 11-17-21 TLDmeeting.



Tanya DiGennaro

Village Treasurer


Village of Homer Board Meeting November 9

Agenda 110921 and reports



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer Board of Trustees will meet via remote conferencing on Wednesday October 27th, at 6:30 p.m. via zoom.Agenda 10-26-21 TLD


Pursuant to NYS Legislature’s approval of  Bill S50001, amending  the Open Meetings Law 1, the Village of Homer Board of Trustees meeting will be closed to in-person attendance by the public until further notice. In the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link by contacting Tanya DiGennaro at the Village Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the public hearing at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said Board of Trustees meeting.



Village of Budget Sessions Fall to Winter 2021

Below are the planned budget session dates. Pursuant to NYS Legislature approval of Bill S5000a, amending the Open Meetings Law 1, the Village of Homer Board of Trustees budget work sessions will be closed to in-person attendance by the public until further notice. In the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link contacting Tanya DiGennaro at or calling the Village Offices at 607-749-3322


  1. Cemetery Department 5:30-6:30 Tuesday November 2, 2021
  2. Water and Sewer Department 6:30-7:30 Tuesday November 2, 2021
  3. Revenues, General Government, Codes, Historian, Beautification, Garbage, 5:30-7:00 Wednesday November 10
  4. Police Department Thursday November 18 5:30-6:30
  5. Grants, Projects, Reserves analysis, Parks Thursday November 18 6:30-7:30
  6. Recreation Department Wednesday December 1 5:30-6:30
  7. Fire Department Wednesday December 1 6:30-7:30
  8. DPW Thursday December 2 5:30-7:00

Village of Homer Planning Board Meeting Wednesday October 27 at 6:30 via zoom



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer Planning Board will meet via remote conferencing on Wednesday October 27th, at 6:30 p.m. via zoom.Agenda 10-26-21 TLD


Pursuant to NYS Legislature’s approval of  Bill S50001, amending  the Open Meetings Law 1, the Village of Homer Planning Board meeting will be closed to in-person attendance by the public until further notice. In the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link by contacting Tanya DiGennaro at the Village Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the public hearing at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said Planning Board meeting.



Tanya DiGennaro

Village Treasurer







Village of Homer ZBA meeting Thursday October 28, 2021



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer Zoning Board of Appeals will meet via remote conferencing on October 28th, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the following pursuant to the current Village of Homer Code of Ordinances:


Appeal # 492, Jason Bailey, located at 1 Park Ave, Tax Map Parcel #76.25-02-01.000 is requesting aN AREA variance to replace garage with shed of same size in same location

Pursuant to NYS Legislature’s approval of  Bill S50001, amending  the Open Meetings Law 1, the Village of Homer Planning Board meeting will be closed to in-person attendance by the public until further notice. In the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link by contacting Tanya DiGennaro at the Village Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the public hearing at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said Planning Board meeting.



Tanya DiGennaro

Village Treasurer


Village Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday September 14 via Zoom at 6 PM

Board agenda and reports



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer Board of Trustees will meet via remote conferencing on September 14th, at 6:00 p.m. for its regularly scheduled Board meeting.Pursuant to NYS Legislature’s approval of  Bill S50001, amending  the Open Meetings Law 1, the Village of Homer Board of Trustees meeting will be closed to in-person attendance by the public until further notice. In the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link by contacting Tanya DiGennaro at the Village Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the Board meeting at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said  Board meeting.



Tanya DiGennaro

Village Treasurer



Special Meeting of the Board to Discuss DRI Thursday September 9th at 5:30 PM


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Homer Board of Trustees will meet at 31 North Main Street, Homer, NY on Thursday September 9th, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the proposed DRI application.


Besides the in-person meeting, individuals may request zoom links by emailing Individuals may also watch the SPECIAL MEETING at the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said Village Board of Trustees meeting.

Village of Homer Special Board Meeting

The Village of Homer Special Board meeting will be held Wednesday August 18, 2021 to review proposed changes to the water and sewer rates. The meeting will be held at 31 North Main Street, Homer, NY or the meeting can be viewed via the Village’s You-tube page or by asking for zoom links by calling 607-749-3322 or emailing

Village of Homer Board Meeting Tuesday August 10

08102021 PreliminaryThe Village of Homer Board of Trustees will hold its regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday August 10 at 6 PM, immediately following the public hearing. The meeting is at the Town Hall, located at 31 North main Street, Homer, NY 13077. The meeting can be viewed in person or by watching the Village of Homer’s You-Tube station. Zoom links can also be requested to participate in the meeting by emailing Tanya DiGennaro or by calling the Village Offices at 607-749-3322.

Village of Homer Public Hearing Tuesday August 10 at 6 PM

The Village of Homer is holding a public hearing August 10 at 6 PM at the Town Hall, located at 31 North Main Street, Homer, NY 13077, to consider a local law to opt out of on-site consumption establishments from locating within the VILLAGE of HOMER in CORTLAND COUNTY, NEW YORK. Residents can attend the public hearing live, request a zoom link by emailing Tanya DiGennaro at, or by calling the Village Offices at 607-749-3322. The meeting can also be viewed on the Village of Homer’s You-tube channel.08102021 Preliminary