Please join us for National Night Out 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing of the Village Board of the Village of Homer will be held on July 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 31 North Main Street, Homer, NY, regarding the dedication of a street commonly known as Dee Street (located off of Route 11 and Tax Map No. 66.42-02-01.100) by Arbor Brook Flats, LLC to the Village, pursuant to NYS Village Law Sections 6-610 and 6-614. The land to be dedicated is more fully set forth in Exhibit A to a Resolution adopted by the Village Board on July 9, 2024, which is available for review at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The Village Board of Trustees meeting will be a zoom and in-person attendance. Individuals may speak at the public hearing or in the absence of public comment, we encourage residents to request a zoom link by contacting Dan Egnor at the Village Offices at 607-749-3322 or by emailing Individuals may also watch the public hearing on the Village of Homer’s YouTube channel. Please include in your email if you would like to participate directly in the remote conference portion. The above application is open to inspection at the Village Offices. Persons with disabilities who require assistance should contact the undersigned to request such assistance. We encourage you to email, call (607-749-3322), or mail, all of your communication needs before said Village Board of Trustees meeting.
Dated: July 10, 2024, Dan Egnor Village Clerk
Water may be cloudy during this period.