Budget Hearings

Budget Date Change: The budget meeting Tuesday December 15, is being rescheduled to begin at 5:45 instead of 5:30 PM.

The Village of Homer Budget Hearings will be as posted.  No votes will take place.  All meetings are via zoom.  If you would like to attend contact Tanya DiGennato at tdigennaro@homerny.org.

Budget Meeting Dates

Amnesty Day- October 24

Amnesty Day is Saturday October 24 from 8 AM to 4 PM.  Compost site hours will be the same.  Compost site will be closed Sunday October 25, 2020.

Amnesty Day is only for Village Residents.  Please bring proof of residency.  Items to pick up are:

  1.  White Goods- Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Hot Water Heaters, and metal wastes.  Refrigeration unit must of a certificate of purging included.

2.  Lumber or anything made of Wood

Absolutely no tires, televisions, microwaves, computers, batteries, or garbage.  No recyclables are allowed.  No pick up or curbside service pickup is available for amnesty day.


Mobile Food Pantry Distribution at Durkee Park September 24 at 3 PM

The Mobile Food Pantry will be in Homer at Durkee Park Thursday September 24 at 3PM.  It is open to all residents of Homer.  As supply is limited to 100 families, please call 315-437-1899 to register.  The Mobile Food Pantry is made available in conjunction with the United Way for Cortland County and the Food Bank of Central New York.

Account Clerk Position Open

The Village of Homer is looking to hire a full-time account clerk, whose primary responsibilities is accounts receivable and billings.  Some nightly meetings are required.  To apply submit Cortland County Applications to Village of Homer office in person, via email at clerk@homerny.org by 09/14/2020.  Applications are attached and can be downloaded or can be obtained at the Village Offices at 31 North Main Street, Homer, NY 13077.  Exam or Job Application_202001211409132412

Village Welcome Sign RFP Open

Sign rfp

Attached is the Village Welcome Sign RFP.  Please call the office at 607-749-3322 or email Dan Egnor at clerk@homerny.org with any questions.